Friday, March 13, 2020

Kevorkian essays

Kevorkian essays People dont like the prospect of sitting in their apartments alone, brewing a lethal cup of tea, possibly vomiting everything up and never being found until they are totally deteriorated. If people had a choice of having a nice, kind doctor give them an injection and sit by their bedside until they die, wouldnt that be better? crudely stated Psychologist Faye Girsch in the book titled Doctor Death by Michael Betzold. Faye Grisch supports the extremely controversial acts of assisted suicide by the famous Dr. Jack Kevorkian (37). Dr. Kevorkian, the man known as Dr. Death, has helped many patients who wanted to end their terrible suffering by assisting them in suicide with the use of lethal gases and injections. With high tech medicine routinely prolonging the agony of unstoppable diseases, such as cancer, Aids, and many other terminal diseases does the sufferer not have the right to say enough with the pain and peacefully leave this world in a humane way? Dr. Kevorkian believes this and launched a major debate in the 1990s. On one side of the issue, the media and the public looked down on the services of the now famous doctor, claiming that he is not a doctor of medicine, but a murderer of the weak and ill. On the other side is the family and friends of the dying person who wish to spend the last days with this ill individual wanting to share love and memories while the sick leaves this world in peace with out pain and suffering. Dr. Kevorkians followers believe they have a small window of opportunity while the sick individuals is still coherent to make their own decisions and their choice of euthanasia (46). Many people are raised to believe that you would burn in the heated realm of Satan for all the eternity if you were to commit such an act as suicide. Many have studied Dr. Kevorkian and believe against their own religion that he is helping these people greatly. For in ...

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